What are the characteristics of excellent water amusement facilities manufacturers?

What are the characteristics of excellent water amusement facilities manufacturers?

This is very important for water park investors. Water amusement equipment manufacturers are partners of water park investors and are the basic guarantee for the normal operation of water parks. Therefore, it is necessary to know the characteristics of high-quality water amusement facilities manufacturers:

First, business license

The business license and the special equipment installation, modification and maintenance licenses that large-scale amusement facility manufacturers have.

Secondly, certificates

The high-quality water amusement facilities manufacturers must have special equipment manufacturing qualification certificates. Important, the certificate is shown in the figure:

Third, the production base and project cases. 

The production base and production team are the embodiment of the company’s strength and the basic hardware guarantee for the supply of qualified equipment. The project case is an important manifestation of the company’s experience, technology and design level, and is naturally one of the focuses of the investigation of the water amusement facilities manufacturers. Below is the factory map of Guangzhou Lanchao Water Park Equipment Co., Ltd.

Fourth, the company’s reputation and development. 

The company’s reputation can be viewed on Baidu, such as Baidu Word of Mouth, Baidu Tieba, etc. You can also investigate the company’s customers’ evaluations of the company, its development, and the trend of market share. Core competitiveness.

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