Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday notice

In order to facilitate the various departments as soon as possible and reasonable arrangements for holidays and other work-related matters, according to state regulations combined with the actual operations of the company, especially the mid-autumn national day put false time in this announcement, as follows:

Mid-autumn festival: September 22, 2018 (Saturday) to September 24 (Monday), a total of 3 days of vacation. Normal work will start on September 25 (Tuesday);

National day: October 1, 2018 (Monday) to October 7 (Sunday), a total of 7 days off, September 29 (Saturday) and September 30 (Sunday) to work.

I wish you all a happy holiday and family reunion!


1. In order to keep in touch, all employees must keep their mobile phones switched on during holidays;

2. Colleagues who go out to play or return home, pay attention to safety on the road, and purchase return tickets in time to prevent delays in going to work after the holiday due to tight tickets;

3. Please pay attention to department heads when employees leave the department instructed the organisation of work, to ensure that each employee has to leave work a successor, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the work line;

4. During the holidays, please shut the power supply in various departments, switch off, lock doors and windows, take safety precautions, and beware of accidents.

5. Attention to all new and old customers and suppliers: During the holiday, the time of raw materials entering the site and production and delivery will be pushed forward to after the holiday. If you have any customer inquiries during the holidays, you can call the general manager of Guangzhou Lanchao: 13760781110 (Mr. Zeng).


                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Guangzhou Lanchao water park equipment co., ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               September 21, 2018

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