Two major international tricks, teach you to effectively increase the profit growth of the water park!

For investors and operators of water parks, one of the most pressing concerns is undoubtedly how to more effectively increase revenue and recover investment. While we are still focused on improving park ticket sales as the primary source of income, international water park pioneers have already started exploring other revenue growth avenues. Investors can avoid pitfalls and enable operators to enter a healthy financial cycle by employing clever strategies.

One often overlooked point of profit growth is the catering within the park. This is a blue ocean of potential consumption, yet it remains largely untapped. Neglecting the quality of the park’s catering and services often results in a significant loss of potential revenue. Customers frequently visit the park with a consumer mindset, but the lack of good food and beverage options diminishes their willingness to spend. There is a substantial difference in revenue potential between high-quality and low-quality catering products.

A research report by Profitable Food, a renowned American water park catering revenue expert, highlighted that food and beverage revenue can account for up to 35% of the total profit of the water park. However, food in the water park is often not the focus of operators. Its quality is low, food is not fresh, and there is a limited staff of professional services. Long lines for purchasing and dining are also common industry issues. Parks that neglect the design and operation of catering projects often pay a heavy price later. Transforming unreasonable designs and improving quality often requires substantial investment.

In fact, every catering project in the water park has the potential to generate millions in profits. To tap into these potentials, the following challenges need to be addressed: reasonable planning and layout of the catering business during the design stage, improving catering products and services quality, and creating a highly recognisable catering brand that aligns with the park’s theme. Good food entices customers, while bad food deters them. Visitors are more willing to pay for fresh and delicious food with good service. When park revenue stagnates, it’s worth examining financial statements to see if there is any profit that can be tapped in the catering sector.

Another easily overlooked point of profit growth is the auxiliary products of the water park and the broader range of secondary consumption. Auxiliary products, such as lounge chairs in the rest area, are an important part of the park’s ancillary facilities. However, many might find it hard to believe that these are closely related to profit growth. Emphasising high-quality products undoubtedly improves customer satisfaction, enhances the customer base, and stimulates revenue growth.

We are familiar with the term secondary consumption. However, the one-ticket system for water parks means that the contribution of secondary consumption to revenue is limited. Many water park operators struggle to find good secondary products.

In recent years, the North American market has seen the introduction of new products that stimulate secondary consumption. For example, the magic floating pillow Nekdoodle, which adds versatility, stylish shape, and portability to the traditional floating ring, has quickly become popular among European and American water park tourists. Sweakers, a new type of wearable product, are lightweight non-slip socks made of new materials. They provide full protection for users, especially children, preventing slips and falls. This product can also replace traditional slippers and enhance the amusement experience.

China’s water park industry is gradually moving away from the rapid development period of unchecked growth. The market no longer pursues quantity but focuses on quality. As consumers’ demand for water amusement equipment experiences continues to increase, the concepts of parent-child interaction and light water play are gaining popularity. The ticket economy of water parks is becoming a thing of the past. Park investors and operators must also move away from relying on tickets as the main source of income. Developing other revenue growth points can make the park’s various incomes flourish and become a successful project.

For more insights on water park profit growth, visit our website.

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