How to match equipment with small and medium water amusement facilities

Why has the number of manufacturers of water park equipment increased by N times in recent years? Since the successful opening of large-scale water park projects in China, many small and medium-sized water parks have sprung up. Large-scale water park equipment is like those of water slides. Its scope is specified as large-scale amusement facilities for manned people with a design maximum operating linear speed greater than or equal to 2m/s, or operating altitude distance greater than or equal to 2m, which requires special equipment to produce and install . 

Therefore, many small and medium water parks cleverly avoided large water slides and started with small and medium water park equipment. So what is a water play facility? What kind of water amusement facilities can be equipped with small and medium water parks ?

Water amusement facilities are supporting water amusement facilities used in water parks. Its investment advantage is that the return period is short and the operation time is long. We went to a water park. Now it is the peak period of water park operations, and it basically shows a “sea of people”. It seems that under normal operating conditions, the cost can be recovered in one operating season, and it will enter the high profit stage in the second year. There are also some individual water parks with very good operating conditions, which can achieve cost recovery and profitability after the first year of operation.

How can the water park remain profitable? The water park that has always been in a state of not returning to its original state has a direct relationship with its investment planning and operation plan. As an emerging industry, water parks are a huge number of investors who are willing to invest in the water park industry under the premise of seeing huge benefits.

So what kind of water amusement facilities can the water park be equipped with? Guangzhou Lanchao Water Park Equipment Co., Ltd. can make water park equipment plans from the size of the water park and the investment budget. The following equipment is generally required for reference.


1. Artificial wave-making equipment

Artificial wave-making equipment is a water amusement facility that can produce simulated real waves. It can basically be said to be the standard configuration of water parks. If the site area is greater than 1,000 square meters, priority can be given. This kind of equipment can gather a lot of popularity, bring unexpected gains to the project, and is a money-making weapon for the water park.

2. Children’s Water House Water Village Water

Village has always been the core product of the water park, with novel and unique shapes, bright colors and outstanding themes. It can be combined with water slides and water spray buckets to bring children the greatest play interest.

3. Water slides 

The water slides in the water park are most popular with children and children. The water slides are placed on the surface of the water, from climbing to heights and then sliding down into the pool, attracting many children to come and play. The children love it and enjoy it. No, it is also a project that brings major revenue to the water park.

4. Water play toys 

Thewater play toys are ever-changing, with different shapes, and the visual effects are pleasing to the eye from a distance. Adults and children are playing and interacting close to each other. Increased the good time between parents and children. If we go back in time, we also hope to play the water park with our parents.

The above are the water amusement facilities commonly used in water parks. As a manufacturer, Blue Wave is specialized in the design, development, production and sales of water park equipment, water amusement equipment and amusement park equipment, water park construction, and water park operations. Service as a whole, all investors are welcome to visit our factory.
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