Water park equipment sharing: a trip to Changlong Water Park

On a bright and sunny Saturday, the members of Guangzhou Lanchao Water Park Equipment Co., Ltd. took advantage of the summer to visit Chimelong Water Park and experience the excitement and joy it offers. Although we specialise in producing water park equipment, visiting Chimelong Water Park was a revelation! Everyone enjoyed playing various attractions together. Even in mid-September, it was still quite hot, but the joy of playing in the water during summer was unbeatable. I thought the crowds would thin out after the summer holidays, but when we arrived at Chimelong Water Park at ten o’clock, it was packed! I was genuinely worried that we might lose track of our team in the crowd.

We had booked tickets online beforehand, so when we arrived, we could go straight to the scenic spot to collect our tickets and enter the park. Because we bought two tickets, our group saved quite a bit of money! After entering, we bought swimming trunks since a few of the male students forgot theirs. Buying swim trunks inside the park cost around $90, so it’s advisable to purchase them online or from a shop outside beforehand. After changing into our swimsuits and trunks, we began our water adventure. There are so many fun water amusement facilities, and since it was a Saturday, the park was quite crowded. We split into several groups to explore different attractions and planned to meet at the Redang Valley restaurant at noon.

The first attraction we tried was the giant beast bowl slide. Due to the crowd, we queued for about half an hour. Finally, it was our turn. The four of us sat on the floating mats, grasped the handles with both hands, and positioned our feet straight in the middle. As the staff counted down from 3, 2, 1, we began sliding down, screaming as we entered the huge bowl. The four-ring rotation gave us a dizzying sensation, and we were eventually sucked into a black hole, experiencing centrifugal weightlessness and overcoming our fears. This thrilling journey allowed us to enjoy the unique fun of water play.

The second attraction was Juhong Gorge. There was no long wait; we just put on life jackets and life preservers and entered the water. The “Juhong Gorge” surrounds the entire “Heatwave Valley” area, giving us an experience comparable to the huge waves in the Hawaiian Valley! In the long and narrow canyon, only the huge waves accompanied us. We cheered and laughed loudly as the waves pushed us forward. Because I was too light, I got separated from my friends. At the exit, I was pushed down by another wave, and my friends joined me again for more fun.

The third attraction was the Python slide. After waiting for 30 to 40 minutes, our group of five was ready. This slide also required us to sit on a floating mat and hold the handles, but unlike the giant beast bowl, we sat with our feet crossed. Starting from a height of 19 metres, we sped through a spiral chute, rapidly descending nearly ten metres into a huge closed pipe. After twisting left and right, we splashed into the water, giving us a unique drifting experience. Due to its large size and unique shape, the Python slide is a major selling point for large water parks and has become an iconic water amusement facility.

After enjoying these three attractions, it was time to gather for lunch at the Redang Valley restaurant. The restaurant wasn’t very crowded, so our group of eight sat down and ordered. The food in the scenic area is relatively expensive, but we found a place with decent taste. We ate and discussed which exciting and fun water amusement equipment to try next. The weather was particularly good, with no sun, so it wasn’t too hot. After eating, some of our brave friends went to queue for the rainbow competition slide.

The rainbow slide is a classic water slide designed for multiple lanes. There are six lanes at Chimelong, with four in the middle for the galloping track requiring a green float, and one on each side for the competition slide needing a yellow float. The galloping track is a few metres higher than the competition platform. The girls were really brave. We took the green float and went up. To be honest, we were a bit surprised. After preparing, we lay on the float and followed the staff’s command to slide down. The slide was pitch black with a series of exciting small slopes. After passing the small slopes, we plunged straight down into a straight slide, finally rushing to the end. It was so thrilling! I had a race with two other designers to see who would reach the bottom first. The rainbow slide relies on inertia, so the heavier ones have a slight advantage. Sliding down from above was both exciting and fun!

Next, we went to the wave pool. The water in the front pool was very shallow. As we were pushed by the waves towards the deeper water, we moved forward. Several foreign actors were singing on the stage, and the tourists in the pool were cheering enthusiastically. Such a huge lineup attracted even more passionate cheers!

Finally, we went to the swimming pool, played on the slides in the large ocean water village, and soaked in the hot spring in the impact bath when we were tired. Soaking in the water felt very comfortable. Time was limited, so we couldn’t try all the large-scale water amusement equipment, but we look forward to another visit in the future.

Guangzhou Lanchao Water Park Equipment Co., Ltd. was established in 2003 and is located in Nansha New District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. It is a large-scale water entertainment facility enterprise integrating product development, production, sales, construction services, and project planning and design. It is a professional manufacturer and supplier of complete sets of water amusement facilities. The main products produced and supplied are: swimming pool water treatment equipment and constant temperature equipment, water park equipment, large-scale water amusement facilities, water slides, artificial wave equipment, children’s water playing equipment, hot spring facilities, spa equipment, fountain water scenery equipment, etc.

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