Guangzhou Water Park design creates a new scene of a series of water park amusement equipment

The design of Guangzhou Water Park has created a new scene of a series of water park amusement equipment! Lanchao water park equipment manufacturer has developed a range of innovative water parks and amusement equipment, breaking away from outdated designs. By introducing advanced concepts from both domestic and international markets, combined with fresh design ideas, customers have expressed their admiration. This allows visitors to continuously experience novelty and excitement, enhancing the personalization and specialization of entertainment.

In a competitive market, success hinges not only on the management skills and operational methods of the operators but also on the safety, intelligence, and educational aspects of their amusement facilities. As people’s spiritual needs evolve, water amusement equipment must satisfy these three levels while also adhering to emotional principles and experience design concepts.

The water park serves as a popular summer playground, primarily featuring a large-scale comprehensive area themed around water, integrating leisure, entertainment, and sports. Water slides are the standout components of the water park project, particularly appealing to visitors. These slides utilise water as the sliding medium, allowing tourists to glide along the inner surface in a designated manner. Effective management of water amusement equipment is crucial, and daily maintenance plays a significant role in prolonging the lifespan and enhancing the quality of use of these facilities. Adhering to water park design specifications and descriptions, staff must diligently perform daily maintenance to ensure longevity.

Basic knowledge of water park facilities

1. The nameplate should be fixed at a prominent position of the water amusement facility. What should the nameplate include at least?

Manufacturer name, product model or mark, manufacturing license number, grade, manufacturing date or factory number, and main performance parameters of the product, etc.

2. What are the requirements for the establishment of high-level guard posts and life-saving personnel for water amusement facilities?

1. High-level guard posts must be set up in hidden corners such as circulating rivers and drifting rivers.

2. Set up high-level guard posts on both sides of the area where the water depth exceeds 1.5 meters.

3. At least one lifeguard should be installed at the exit of the water slide.

3. How to deal with the people who fell in emergency?

1. In the event of a person falling, for minor injuries, the on-site personnel should take emergency rescue measures to prevent the injured from massive blood loss, shock, coma, etc., dial 120 medical emergency calls, and report to the person in charge of the unit.

2. If the falling person is seriously injured, artificial respiration and chest heart compression should be performed.

3. If there is a broken bone in the injured person, do not move the injured person blindly. . .

4. The above rescue process ends after 120 medical emergency personnel arrive at the scene, and the staff should cooperate with 120 medical emergency personnel for treatment.

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