Abundant water amusement facilities can be seen everywhere

Koh samui is an island in the gulf of thailand. It covers an area of 228.7 square kilometers and has a population of 50,000. The island has dense coconut groves and is rich in coconuts. Koh samui is 84 kilometers away from surat thani and belongs to a true island group.

Koh samui is about 560 kilometers south of Bangkok. 20 years ago, no tourists came to disturb the dense coconut groves and quiet small fishing villages here. It wasn’t until a few western tourists boarded wooden boats to transport coconuts from Bangkok that the news of Koh Samui’s beautiful beaches spread like wildfire. Thailand means “free land ” and is one of the world’s buddhist powers.

The buddhist temple architecture here is exquisite and beautiful, with a strong oriental color. Charming and beautiful subtropical scenery, extensive Buddhist culture, unique folk wind vulgar, so Thailand renowned overseas, attracting visitors from around the world come for sightseeing. When visiting Koh Samui, you must prepare the corresponding items before going out and boarding the plane .

Chaweng beach, located on the east coast of Koh Samui, is a crescent-shaped beach with a length of 7 kilometers. It is also the longest, most lively and most prestigious beach on Koh Samui . Because the beach is occupied by various hotels and resorts, the inland side is the Beach Road, and the opposite side of the road is bars, restaurants, shops and entertainment venues.

Along the beach road with many upscale hotels, resorts, restaurants, diving school, different styles of bars, shopping center, is a visitor’s center and scattered the nightlife, the beaches of soft white sand and turquoise sea matched, The scenery is charming.

Abundant water amusement facilities can be seen everywhere, sailing boats up and down in the wind, jet skis roaring by, and diving equipment that can be rented on-site, all can make you spend a pleasant holiday here. Worth a visit

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